quiznightchief_Plan_ScreenA lot of quizmasters will now organise their questions with a dizzying array of software, none of which is

custom-built for the purpose. I used to keep my questions in Microsoft Word files for years which was OK when I had hundreds of questions and kind of useless when that became thousands.

I now have a good working relationship with Microsoft Excel but there are other options. As well as free database software such as you can find on Open Office which mimics popular Microsoft programs like Excel and Access, some software developers are now building specialist quizmaster software to help you manage your questions.

One such entry to the market is Quiz Night Chief, developed by an Australian company based in Canberra called Oak Focus software.

The software enables you to categorise and save questions and quickly compile a new quiz in about three seconds.

Quiz Night Chief does cost money but you can download a trial copy to see if its for you. I have just downloaded my own trial copy and I'll be bringing you a review of the software soon, once I've had a wee look
