Free Quiz Questions on atoms and elements and all that science stuff.

  1. How is the pharmaceutical product 'acetylsalicylic acid' better known?


  2. What substance has the chemical formula C17 H21 O4 N?


  3. What is the main ingredient in brass: copper, zinc or tin?


  4. What is the more common name for solid carbon dioxide?

    Dry ice

  5. In chemistry, what is the lightest chemical element?


  6. Science: which element makes up 92% of the sun?


  7. When the Hindenburg airship exploded in 1937, what highly flammable gas was it full of?


  8. What is the main element in steel: iron, copper or lead?


  9. Which element is the most abundant metal on Earth: aluminium, iron or copper?


  10. Galena is processed to produce which metal?


  11. What element makes up 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere?


  12. What is Iron Oxide more commonly referred to as?


  13. In chemistry, potassium nitrate is known by what more common name?

    Saltpetre (pronounced salt-peter)

  14. Is rainwater slightly acid or slightly alkaline?

    Slightly acid

  15. Which two metals are alloyed to make pewter

    Tin and Lead

  16. What radioactive material is extracted from pitchblende?


  17. What is terror gas ricin made out of: an animal or a vegetable?

    Vegetable (African Castor Bean)

  18. Would a lump of butter sink or float in water?


  19. Would a lump of aluminium sink or float in water?


  20. How wide is a lightning bolt: 2 inches, 2 feet or 2 miles?

    2 inches

  21. Weight for weight, what is the strongest material: concrete, steel or human bones?


  22. Would a solid lump of oak wood sink or float in water?


  23. What is hotter: a lightning bolt or the surface of the sun?

    Lightning bolt

  24. If you put a lump of uranium in water would it sink or float?


  25. Would a lump of EBONY wood sink or float in water?



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