Free Quiz Questions on religion and superstition from ancient to modern. Including ghosts, monsters, astrology and the paranormal.

  1. What percentage of Britons believe that they have seen a ghost[2005 survey]?

    12 per cent

  2. What percentage of Britons believe in Re-incarnation [2005 survey]?

    19 per cent

  3. What percentage of Britons believe in UFOs [2005 survey]?

    26 per cent

  4. According to a 2005 survey, what percentage of Britons believe in The Loch Ness Monster? [get within 5% of right answer]

    4 per cent

  5. According to legend, if it rains on St Swithin`s Day, (July 15th) for how many more days after will it rain?

    40 days

  6. What per cent of British people believe in the existence of ESP, according to a recent poll?

    48 per cent

  7. Accoridng to a 2005 survey, what percentage of Britons believe in ghosts ? (get within 10%)

    68 per cent

  8. According to a recent survey, what per cent of Americans believe in the existence of angels? (Get within 10% of right answer to get the points)

    72 per cent

  9. What is the average age at which an American child stops believing in Santa Claus?

    8 years old

  10. What percentage of Americans believe in the afterlife? 40%, 60% or 80%

    80 per cent

  11. Does the feast of the Epiphany come twelve days before Christmas or twelve days after Christmas?

    After (Jan 6th - it’s the celebration of the three wise men visiting Jesus)

  12. What kind of star sign is Aquarius: earth, air, fire or water?


  13. What kind of star sign is Gemini: earth, air, fire or water?


  14. What kind of star sign is Libra: earth, air, fire or water?


  15. What was Jesus’ granny called: Anna or Ruth? (Virgin Mary’s Mother)


  16. In mythology, who was the Greek Goddess of love, beauty and sex?


  17. What is the name of the Greek goddess of love?


  18. If you were born on St.George’s Day, – what star sign are you?

    April 23rd so Taurus

  19. What star sign are you if you’re born on St Valentine’s Day?


  20. If you were born on Burns night, which star sign would you be?


  21. Which two months do Virgos have their birthdays?

    August and September

  22. In which country is mythological monster the Bunyip said to live?


  23. According to custom in Holland, is it good luck to see a ginger person or is it bad luck?

    bad luck

  24. Which female Catholic saint is connected with Lourdes?


  25. Which city is said in the bible to be the place of the birth of Jesus?


  26. What are Jehova's Witnessses NOT allowed to do: start DIY projects, have pictures of people on walls in their homes, or go to birthday parties?

    birthday parties

  27. What religion links Weasak, Dhrammacacka, and Bhodi day


  28. Where, during a solar eclipse in 1972, did the army tried to shoot down the moon? Mexico, Cambodia or Albania


  29. If you had a baby on the first day of the Wimbledon tennis championships 2000, what star sign will he be?


  30. Name all three water signs of the zodiac?

    Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio

  31. If your birthday is on New Years day then what star sign are you?


  32. Which star sign of the zodiac are you if your birthday falls on Christmas Day?


  33. What is the number one religion in Jamaica: Christian, Muslim or Rastafarian?

    Christian (80% of Jamaicans)

  34. According to figures from 2004, are there more practising Christians or Muslims in Britain? (practising = go to church or moqsue every week)

    Christians (2004)

  35. What was the Roman God Pluto in charge of: Dogs, Death or Natural Disasters?


  36. What animal represented 2006 in the Chinese Zodiac and is known as a loyal and trustworthy sign?


  37. What is the first of the ten commandments in The Bible?

    Don't worship other gods (no false Gods)

  38. What kind of star sign is Capricorn: earth, air, fire or water?


  39. What kind of star sign is Taurus : earth, air, fire or water?


  40. What kind of star sign is Virgo: earth, air, fire or water?


  41. Ra the Sun God (Egypt) was a represented by a human figure with an animal’s head: what animal?


  42. What kind of star sign is Sagittarius: earth, air, fire or water?


  43. What type of star sign is Aries: Earth, Air, Fire or Water?


  44. What type of star sign is Leo: Earth, Air, Fire or Water?


  45. Which organisation can be described as a fraternal group that believes in a conception of god named 'The Great Architect of the Universe'?


  46. What is the Muslim holy day of the week?


  47. What is the name of the Viking goddess of love: Twatt, Frygg or Fanni?


  48. What is the legendary Flying Dutchman? Is it a ghost train, a ghost ship or a ghost horse?

    Ghost ship

  49. According to nautical tradition is it good luck or bad luck to have a cat on board for a voyage?

    Good luck

  50. Who was the Greek Messenger of the Gods and is now also a brand of luxury leather goods?


  51. Duvali, Dushira and Holi are religious days in which religion?


  52. After Christians, what is the second largest religious group in Trinidad and Tobago: Hindus, Muslims or Jews?


  53. In the world today, are there more Hindus, Buddhists or Jews?


  54. What is Scotland’s most popular non-Christian religion: Judaism, Islam or Hinduism?


  55. Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead had a man’s body and an animal’s head. Which animal?


  56. Zeus was the supreme ruler of all the other Greek Gods. Who was his Roman equivalent?


  57. Which two star signs could you possibly represent you if you were born in August?

    Leo/Virgo [one point for each answer given]

  58. If September 25th is your birthday: what is your star sign?


  59. In China – are bats thought to be lucky or unlucky?


  60. What is the correct name for a bishop’s hat?


  61. In 1972 in Cambodia, two people were killed by stray bullets after the army had tried to shoot down... what? The moon, a shooting star or a flying polar bear.


  62. What are there more of in Britain: people who believe in God or Atheists?

    More God-Believers

  63. Dido is a singer – but who was Dido in Greek mythology: a mortal woman, a goddess or a monster?

    Mortal Woman

  64. In which religion are undertakers not allowed to look at a corpse’s genitals: Muslim, Hindu or Church of England?


  65. According to the good people at, is it sinful to have erotic dreams?

    No, it is not sinful.

  66. What unusual physical feature do true Vampires have (according to myth and legend)? One ear, One nostril or one hand?

    One nostril

  67. In Greek mythology who killed the Gorgon Medusa by cutting off her snakey head?


  68. If your birthday is 24th February, what star sign are you?


  69. If you were born on St David’s Day, what star sign would you be?

    Pisces (it’s the 1st March)

  70. What star sign are you if your birthday is on St Patrick’s Day?

    Pisces, (its March 17th)

  71. What are the three water signs of the Zodiac?

    Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer

  72. In which country do the largest percentage of the population believe in the existence of God: Portugal, Poland or Russia?


  73. In Norse mythology what is the name of the ultimate battle?


  74. Which of these do most British people believe in: Loch Ness Monster, UFOs, or re-incarnation?


  75. What star sign are you if you’re born on St.Andrew’s day?


  76. What star sign are you if you were born on the eighteenth of November?


  77. According to the law of the Koran, what should happen to an adultress: Should she be stoned to death, have her hands cut off, or should she be exiled and banished from her home town for seven years?

    Stoned to death

  78. If you’re born on St.George’s Day, the national day of England, what star sign are you?

    Taurus (April 23rd)

  79. Which symbol of Christmas are Poinsettia flowers said to resemble?

    The Star of Bethlehem

  80. What did the ancient Romans believe was a cure for toothache: drinking snake's blood, strapping a live toad to your jaw, or rubbing dried cow dung onto your feet?


  81. What is the most widely-held superstition in the UK: not walking under ladders, avoiding the number 13, or touching wood?

    Touching wood

  82. In Greek mythology what living things were guarded by spirits called Hamadryads?


  83. Which Greek God who now has a planet named after him was castrated by his own son?


  84. What star sign are you if you were born on “nine eleven” (the 11th Sep)


  85. What kind of star sign is Cancer the Crab: earth, air, fire or water?


  86. What kind of star sign is Pisces: earth, air, fire or water?


  87. What kind of star sign is Scorpio: earth, air, fire or water?


  88. Are nuns who live in the Vatican allowed to surf the internet: Yes or No?


  89. What is the correct term of address to the Pope?

    Your Holiness