chorlton_pub_quizSky Sport prices are going up and publicans are considering other options, including hiring pub quizzes, according to this great article on The Publican website.

From a quiz perspective there are some interesting figures from a pub called the Three Compasses in North London where the landlord found that “Sky-related customers” spent £4.50 per head, about a pint and a half, per event (gross profit £2.25) compared to quiz night customers, who spent

on average £13.50 per head (gross profit £8), stayed in the bar longer and often bought food too.

Another preceived benefit of quiz customers was that they interacted positively with other customers.”

Could it be that pubs are starting to see the downside of filling a bar with gape-mouthed telly zombies. Football on the telly is fair enough now and again but the sheer ubiquity and volume of football tears the soul out of pubs.

Get in there quizmasters and hit your local landlord with the stats. Quiz punters spend more and make the pub a better place to be. For tips on selling to pubs, check out my book: How To Make £100 a Night or More As A Pub Quizmaster

As the landlord at the Three Compasses says "There are clearly alternatives to watching Blackpool v Wigan"